What Are the Benefits of Using 2u?

2U is an educational technology company that partners with universities and colleges to offer online degree programs, short courses, and boot camps. The benefits of using 2U’s services are numerous and impactful for various stakeholders including universities, students, and the broader educational community. Here’s an in-depth look at the advantages of utilizing 2U:

For Universities

1. Expansion of Reach

2U enables universities to extend their reach beyond their physical campuses. By offering online programs, universities can attract students from across the globe, breaking geographical barriers and increasing their enrollment numbers.

2. Enhanced Revenue Streams

Partnering with 2U allows universities to tap into new revenue streams. Online programs can attract working professionals and international students who may not have the means or opportunity to attend on-campus classes, thereby diversifying and increasing the university’s income.

3. Cutting-Edge Technology and Support

2U provides robust technological infrastructure and support, including learning management systems, analytics tools, and student engagement platforms. This allows universities to offer high-quality online education without having to invest heavily in developing their own technology.

4. Marketing and Recruitment

2U’s expertise in digital marketing and recruitment helps universities attract and enroll a diverse and qualified student body. Their marketing strategies are data-driven and tailored to reach potential students who are most likely to benefit from the programs offered.

5. Program Development and Maintenance

2U collaborates with faculty to develop curriculum and course materials that are effective for online learning. They ensure that the online programs meet the same rigorous academic standards as on-campus offerings, providing continuous support and updates as needed.

For Students

1. Accessibility and Flexibility

2U-powered programs offer students the flexibility to study from anywhere in the world, accommodating those with demanding schedules, family obligations, or geographical constraints. This accessibility opens doors to education for those who might not otherwise have the opportunity.

2. High-Quality Education

2U partners with top-tier universities to deliver courses that maintain the same academic rigor and quality as their on-campus counterparts. Students receive the same diploma or certificate as on-campus students, ensuring that their qualifications are recognized and respected.

3. Diverse Program Offerings

From full degree programs to short courses and boot camps, 2U provides a wide range of educational opportunities. This diversity allows students to find programs that align with their career goals, whether they are seeking a full degree, professional development, or new skills in a specific area.

4. Interactive and Engaging Learning

2U’s platform is designed to create an interactive and engaging online learning experience. Features such as live classes, interactive discussions, and multimedia content help to replicate the dynamic environment of a traditional classroom, fostering a sense of community among students.

5. Career Services and Networking

Many 2U programs offer career services, including job placement assistance, resume building, and networking opportunities with industry professionals. This support helps students transition from education to employment more smoothly.

For the Educational Community

1. Innovation in Education

2U drives innovation in the educational sector by integrating advanced technology with traditional teaching methods. Their approach encourages universities to adopt new pedagogical techniques and tools, ultimately enhancing the overall quality of education.

2. Lifelong Learning Opportunities

The variety of programs offered by 2U supports the concept of lifelong learning. Professionals can continuously update their skills and knowledge through short courses and boot camps, staying competitive in an ever-evolving job market.

3. Global Collaboration

2U fosters a global educational community by connecting students and faculty from different parts of the world. This cross-cultural interaction enriches the learning experience and promotes a global perspective on various subjects.

4. Data-Driven Insights

The data analytics capabilities provided by 2U offer valuable insights into student performance and engagement. Universities can use this data to improve their programs, enhance student support services, and make informed decisions about future offerings.

5. Scalability

The scalability of 2U’s platform allows universities to quickly expand their online offerings without significant additional investment. This capability is particularly beneficial for rapidly growing fields or in response to sudden increases in demand for certain types of education, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Case Studies and Success Stories

1. University of Southern California (USC)

The partnership between USC and 2U has resulted in successful online programs in social work, education, and business. These programs have expanded USC’s reach and provided high-quality education to thousands of students worldwide.

2. Georgetown University

Georgetown’s collaboration with 2U has led to the development of several online graduate programs, including a Master of Science in Nursing and a Master of Professional Studies in Real Estate. These programs have received positive feedback for their rigorous curriculum and interactive learning environments.

3. University of London

The University of London, in partnership with 2U, offers a variety of online degrees that have attracted a global student body. Their online programs maintain the prestigious reputation of the institution while providing flexible learning options.


The benefits of using 2U are multifaceted and impactful, enhancing the capabilities of universities, enriching the student experience, and driving innovation in the educational sector. For universities, 2U offers expanded reach, increased revenue, and technological support. For students, it provides accessibility, high-quality education, and career services. For the broader educational community, 2U fosters innovation, lifelong learning, and global collaboration.

By leveraging 2U’s expertise and resources, universities can effectively transition into the digital age of education, providing quality learning experiences that meet the diverse needs of today’s students.